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Baruch Institute

Faculty and Staff

Matthew E. Kimball

Title: Assistant Director, Marine Field Laboratory
Assistant Research Professor
Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences
Phone: 843-904-9030
Office: BMFL 134
Resources: Baruch Marine Field Lab
P.O. Box 1630
Georgetown, SC 29442 USA
Matt Kimball


2008 - PhD, Ecology & Evolution, Rutgers University
2003 - MS, Zoology, North Carolina State University
1999 - BS, Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


7/2013 - Present:  Assistant Director, Baruch Marine Field Laboratory
1/2011 - 6/2013:  Research Coordinator, GTM National Estuarine Research Reserve
7/2008 - 12/2010:  Postdoc, Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University


My general research interests are in marine ecology, particularly the influence of biological and physical factors on the community dynamics of coastal fauna and flora. I am especially interested in the influence of such factors on the distribution and movement of early life stages of estuarine and coastal fishes and invertebrates, as well as the effects of habitat on the survival and growth of these organisms. These interests have resulted in research on such topics as habitat restoration, invasive species, range expansion, and climate change impacts on fauna communities. I use a combination of field and seawater laboratory approaches to pursue these research avenues and recent efforts have focused mainly in estuaries along the southeastern US Atlantic and Gulf coasts.


Evaluating oyster reefs as habitat: Comparing the utility of ecological metrics to assess ecosystem function

Integrating climate change effects into ecosystem-based fisheries management: Penaeid shrimp in the southeast US

Listen in: Acoustic monitoring of estuarine communities facing ecosystem change


Dunn RP, Kimball ME, Pfirrmann BW, Bruck AS, Lane WM (2024). Temporal habitat partitioning and resource competition between congenerics: Testing for density-dependent growth and mortality in estuarine shrimp. PloS ONE 19(12):e0316219.
Batchelder LJ, Stone JP, Kimball ME, Pfirrmann BW, Dunn RP (2024). Phenology of penaeid shrimp nursery habitat use: Trends and environmental drivers over four decades. Marine Ecology Progress Series 751:79-95.
Mace MM, III, Crane DP, Kimball ME, Harding JM, McNabb J (2024). Diet of age-0 tarpon Megalops atlanticus near their northern range limit in the western Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Biology of Fishes 107:723-733.
Dirr KM, Pawelek JC, Stone JP, Kimball ME (2024). Seasonal and diel gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) activity, and burrow use by commensals, in coastal beach dune habitat as examined by wildlife cameras. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 23(1):35-47.
Munnelly RT, Castillo JC, Handegard NO, Kimball ME, Boswell KM, Guillaume R (2024). Applications and analytical approaches of imaging sonar for quantifying behavioural interactions among aquatic organisms and their environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science 81:207-251.
Sliger R, Graham J, Hoenke K, Kimball ME, Peoples BK (2024). Integrating fish swimming abilities into rapid stream barrier assessment: Case studies in the southeastern United States. PLoS ONE 19(2):e0298911.
McKercher LJ, Kimball ME, Scaroni AE, White SA, Strosnider WHJ (2024). Stormwater ponds serve as variable quality habitat for diverse taxa. Wetlands Ecology & Management 32:109-131.
Glover KM, Kimball ME, Pfirrmann BW, Pelton MM, Dunn RP (2023). Juvenile brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) use of salt marsh intertidal creeks as nursery habitat. Estuaries and Coasts 46(7):1895-1906.
Bice CM, Huisman J, Kimball ME, Mallen-Cooper M, Zampatti BP, Gillanders BM (2023). Tidal barriers and fish – Impacts and remediation in the face of increasing demand for freshwater and climate change. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 289:108376.
Quezada-Villa K, Cannizzo Z, Carver J, Dunn RP, Fletcher LS, Kimball ME, McMullin AL, Orocu B, Pfirrmann BW, Pinkston E, Reese TC, Smith N, Stancil C, Toscano BJ, Griffen BD (2023). Predicting diet in brachyuran crabs using external morphology. PeerJ 11:e15224.

Kimball ME, Pfirrmann BW, Allen DM, Ogburn-Matthews V, Kenny PD (2023). Intertidal creek pool nekton assemblages: Long-term patterns in diversity and abundance in a warm-temperate estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 46(3):860-877.

Dunn RP, Kimball ME, O’Brien CG, Adams NT (2023). Characterizing nekton habitat use of fringing oyster reefs using acoustic imaging. Marine and Freshwater Research 74(1):39-49.

Pfirrmann BW, Dunn RP, Kimball ME, Levesque EM (2023). Experimental laboratory tests of short-term habitat selection by hatchery-reared juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 559 151852.

Lamb KJ, Midway SR, Brasso RL, Lopez-Duarte PC, Kimball ME, Polito MJ (2022). Mercury biomagnification in a coastal Louisiana food web following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:937124.

Rodriguez-Pinto I, Rieucau G, Handegard NO, Kimball ME, Boswell KM (2022). Anthropogenic marsh impoundments alter collective tendency in schooling fish. Estuaries and Coasts 45(3):856-865.

Elmo GM, Crane DP, Kimball ME (2021). Juvenile tarpon Megalops atlanticus use of natural and managed marsh habitats in coastal South Carolina. Environmental Biology of Fishes 104:1655-1664.

Kimball ME, Connolly RM, Alford SB, Colombano DD, James WR, Kenworthy MD, Norris GS, Ollerhead J, Ramsden S, Rehage JS, Sparks EL, Waltham NJ, Worthington TA, Taylor MD (2021). Novel applications of technology for advancing tidal marsh ecology. Estuaries and Coasts 44(6):1568-1578.

Kimball ME, Eash-Loucks WE (2021). Estuarine nekton assemblages along a marsh-mangrove ecotone. Estuaries and Coasts  44(6):1508-1520

Elmo GM, Crane DP, Kimball ME, Williams KL, Stevens PW (2021). Validity of daily and annual age estimation and back-calculation methods for early life stages of a subtropical-tropical species, the tarpon (Megalops atlanticus). Fisheries Research 243:106057.

Kimball ME,
Mace III, MM, Juzwick DL, Zugelter A, Shenker JM (2021). Age of tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) leptocephali recruiting to salt marsh pools in a South Carolina estuary. Southeastern Naturalist 20(2):264-272.

Stevens PW, Kimball ME, Elmo GM, Williams KL, Ritch JL, Crane DP (2021). Investigation into the occurrence of juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis, a subtropical estuarine sport fish, in saltmarshes beyond their established range.  Estuaries and Coasts  44(5):1477-1483 

Dunn RP, Pfirrmann BW, Kimball ME (2021). Juvenile white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) can be effectively implanted with passive integrated transponder tags. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 540:151560.

Pfirrmann BW, Kimball ME, Mace MM, III, Turley BD (2021). Summer ichthyoplankton assemblage diversity within a southeastern United States estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 44(1):253-268.

Baker R, Taylor MD, Able KW, Beck MW, Cebrian J, Colombano DD, Connolly RM, Currin C, Deegan LA, Feller IC, Gilby BL, Kimball ME, Minello TJ, Rozas LP, Simenstad C, Turner RE, Waltham NJ, Weinstein MP, Ziegler SL, zu Ermgassen PSE, Alcott C, Alford SB, Barbeau MA, Crosby SC, Dodds K, Frank A, Goeke J, Gaines LAG, Hardcastle FE, Henderson CJ, James WR, Kenworthy MD, Lesser J, Mallick D, Martin CW, McDonald AE, McLuckie C, Morrison BH, Nelson JA, Norris GS, Ollerhead J, Pahl JW, Ramsden S, Rehage JS, Reinhardt JF, Rezek RJ, Risse LM, Smith JAM, Sparks EL, Staver LW (2020). Fisheries rely on threatened salt marshes. Science 370(6517):670-671.

Kimball ME, Allen DM, Kenny PD, Ogburn-Matthews V (2020). Decadal-scale changes in subtidal nekton assemblages in a warm-temperate estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 43(4):927-939.

Mace MM, III, Kimball ME, Elmo GM, Crane DP (2020). Overwinter survival, age, and growth of juvenile tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in a shallow, tidally-restricted habitat in South Carolina. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103(8):965-972.

Kimball, ME, Mace, MM, III (2020). Survival, growth, and tag retention in salt marsh fishes implanted with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. Estuaries and Coasts 43(1):151-160.


Fisheries Research Field Techniques, Marine Science (MSCI) 460, Fall (2 credits)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
