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South Carolina Honors College

Staff Directory

Ali Mathwig, MA

Title: Director of Advising
South Carolina Honors College
Phone: 803.576.6284
Office: Harper College 225
Ali Mathwig bio photo

Ali Mathwig is originally from Columbia and grew up frequenting the USC campus, where her father is a professor. Ali graduated summa cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis, with a major in Art History and minors in Economics and American Culture Studies. She pursued her passion for art history to graduate school at Brown University, where she received her M.A. in the History of Art and Architecture. Ali’s research focused on the treatment and reception of photography in museums of art. At Brown, Ali was active in student advocacy and governance, and her commitment to working with students in and out of the classroom ultimately led her to advising at the South Carolina Honors College. In her free time, Ali enjoys spending time with her son, husband, parents and cat. She loves to cook, is an avid reader of fantasy and historical fiction, is obsessed with food television and NPR, and has traveled to more than 20 countries.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
