Engagement Details

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561


What to Expect

Put your analytical and research skills to the test with real-world sociology projects. Across one semester, you will complete two projects: one based on data analysis and one based on original interviews you will conduct on a topic of your choice. Gain experience in the research process from topic exploration and initial data collection through summarizing your findings in scholarly writing and presenting your research.

This engagement qualifies for these special designations:

  • GLD-Research
  • Experiential Learning Opportunity
  • Option to appear on USC Experience extended transcript

Term: Fall 2024



Time Commitment: 90 - 119 hours
Who Can Participate: See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites
Minimum Credit Hours: See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites
Minimum GPA:  See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites
Other Requirements See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites


Engagement Benefits

How expectations are communicated:
Group training / class session(s)
Training manual, syllabus or rubric

Learning activities:

Knowledge or skills developed:
Inquiry and analysis

Who you will work with:
Faculty member(s) on this campus

Who will communicate feedback and how:
Group / class session with faculty member
Group / class session with graduate assistant

Reflection expectations:
Each student produces written reflection(s)
Group / class session(s) with faculty


Additional Information

Academic Bulletin