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School of Music

Transferring from Midlands Technical College

All prospective students must audition in their primary performance area (voice or instrument) and/or complete the application and interview process for the Music Industry Studies program to be considered for admission to any degree program in the School of Music. It is recommended that students remain actively involved in music-making while pursuing course work at Midlands Technical College (MTC). Participation in private lessons, church choirs, community bands and orchestras help students maintain their performance skills. In some cases it may be possible for MTC students to perform in School of Music ensembles. Interested students should contact the appropriate USC faculty.

These MTC courses satisfy degree requirements in the School of Music degrees:

ENGLISH (6 credits required)
ENG 101 (3)
ENG 102 (3)

HISTORY (3 credits required)
The most common choices include HIS 101, 102, 106, 108, 109, 201, 202

FINE ARTS other than music (3 credits required)
The most common choices include ART 101, 105, 107, 108; ARV 101, 102, 110, 114, 120, 121, 122, 123, 205, 214, 217, 240, 241, 244; THE 101, 105, 205, 220, 221

OTHER LIBERAL ARTS (6 credits required; the School of Music recommends one course in literature and one course in anthropology, psychology, or sociology)
Choices include ENG 201-238; any ANT; any GEO any HIS; any HSS; any PHI; any PSC; any PSY; any REL; any SOC.

NATURAL SCIENCE (7-8 credits including one course with lab)
AST 101, 102; any BIO; any CHM; any PHS

FOREIGN LANGUAGE (proficiency requirements vary by degree)
FRE 101, 102; GER 101, 102; SPA 101, 102

The requirement may be met by completing two courses from math (calculus and higher), computer science, logic, or statistics OR by completing MAT 130 (calculus) plus MAT 122 or a higher numbered math, or PHI 101, or CPT 101, or MAT 120 or 165

MUS 110
Music Fundamentals may be approved by the music faculty as a substitute for MUSC 115 on the USC campus. Although MUS 105—Music Appreciation may be helpful in preparing for a music degree, this course does not fulfill a music degree requirement.

*This information was compiled to aid MTC students, and is also valid for students attending other technical colleges in South Carolina.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
